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About IKKS

We are two alcoholic awesome girls 
who live our life to the fullest and
don´t care about anyone but ourselves

Our History


We live for the parties we can´t remember,
with the people we´ll never forget


we are 2 girls from the city who didn´t have anything better to do, so we started a blog. This is going to be a blog about our life, alcohol, parties, makeup, clothes, inspo and so on. 

We live our life, drink as often as we can, travel the world and we´re always having a good time. no one can stop us, no one can out-drink us, no one is having a better time than us! We make history




Our Expertise


If it´s something we know, it´s alcohol!

If you can´t drink every weekend, every night off or 

in the middle of the week, you have done something 

wrong. Don´t miss out from dancing on the bar just because you have a baby, some work to do or school. Live your life to the fullest, and regret nothing!

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