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First post

This is a customized blog, made with perfection and personal experience

I´m sitting here in my robe, watching all the seasons of Grey´s anatomy for the fifth time. should go in the shower, should make myself some breakfast, should pack my bags for my trip on friday, should get out of bed, but no, that´s not happening any time soon. I´m gonna sit here as long as i can, watching series, drinking wine, take it chill. It´s not everyday you have time to just be you, not do anything, just lay in bed and do nothing, so when you have time, do it!

Today my plan is to stay at home, make dinner for my boyfriend, pack my bags for my trip this friday, and just have a nice calm day. Ikks2 is a lazy bitch and will probably not blog today since she is busy with everything, but she´ll do it another day, and this weekend we´ll blog together since we´re going on a trip together. Can´t promise it will be a long post or a lot of posts, but we´ll try our best since we´ll be drunk as hell and party hard 3 days straight! I can promise a lot of pics on Instagram and that we will try our best to blog as much as possible.

We´ll have give away´s, quiz, q&a, and a lot more in a while, when we get this blog going.

xoxo ikks1

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