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We need the beach!

Sun, Heat, drinks on the beach, bathing in the ocean, swimming in the pool, travel, discover things, Spain, France, Italy, Hawaii, oh I want summer so bad right now.

Now that it is so damn cold here in north, i really wish i was in spain, or another warm country, just a place where there is more than 20 degrees. Okey, i can´t complain today since it´s just -3 degrees right now, and it has been -15 degrees earlier, but the wind is so cold. A perfect moment now would be sitting in front of the fireplace, coffee and baileys in my cup, big fuzzy socks, pyjamas and blankets. But no, I have to work. I do not like to work weekends, and hope I can get a daytime job anytime soon, or something like that. It´s negative and positive sides with every job, now I can sleep late, but I have so little time for my friends, family, boyfriend and life. everyone else is working daytime, and I work shifts at noon and night.

Now I´m just sitting here, dreaming, waiting for the clock to be enough to get to the store, buy myself lunch, and get to my job. Thankfully the time goes slow today, no rush before work, just a really chill day with Grey´s Anatomy and breakfast in bed with my computer on my lap.

Today is going to be a day with nothing more than relaxing. No alcohol, no partying. Just me, my boyfriend, pyjamas, candy, iced tea and movies. Today I have no intentions of going out of the house or get dressed at all after I get home from work. I have done so much lately, and haven´t been home at all. It going to be so damn good to stay at home for once, I can´t wait!

ikk2 is still moving, and a lazy bitch, no posts from her yet. We just have to wait and see if she is going to blog at all, haha! But i hope that when everything calms down, we both get better at this.

We are planning a roadtrip to sweden when the snow is gone, and gets hotter outside. Can´t wait, it going to be so damn fantastic. Send me a mail or comment if there is somewhere in sweden you recommend, and we have to visit. We will probably drive down the coast by luleå, piteå and umeå, and are going down to Stockholm. We have a lot of time, so if there is some places with good food, drinks, hotels, nightlife and so on, send me a mail! We want the best trip, we can get.

I still want a boobjob, send me boobmoney plz! haha! paypal: -> before and after pictures gets posted, if I get enough money!

Now I have to do my makeup, run out the door, and get to job.

xoxo ikks1

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